How Long Do Fat Dissolving Injections Take to Work and How Long They Do Last?

How Long Do Fat Dissolving Injections Take to Work and How Long They Do Last?

Fat dissolving injections, also known as lipolytic injections, have become an increasingly popular method for reducing unwanted fat in various parts of the body. The procedure involves injecting a solution of naturally occurring substances into the targeted area to dissolve the fat cells. The popularity of fat dissolving injections is largely due to their non-invasive nature and ability to produce noticeable results without the need for surgery. However, before undergoing this treatment, it is important to understand how long it takes for fat dissolving injections to work and how long the results last.

In this article, we will discuss the timeline for fat dissolving injections Dubai  to take effect, the factors that affect the duration of the results, and some frequently asked questions about the procedure.

How Do Fat Dissolving Injections Work?

Fat dissolving injections typically contain deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that breaks down fat cells. When injected into the targeted area, the solution causes the fat cells to rupture and be eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system.

The procedure is typically performed in a series of treatments, with each treatment spaced several weeks apart. Depending on the amount of fat that needs to be eliminated, patients may require multiple treatments to achieve their desired results.

How Long Does it Take for Fat Dissolving Injections to Work?

The timeline for fat dissolving injections to work can vary from person to person. However, patients typically start to see noticeable results within two to four weeks after their first treatment. The effects of fat dissolving injections tend to become more apparent with each subsequent treatment.

Patients should note that it is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the treated area immediately after the injections. These side effects typically subside within a few days.

Factors Affecting the Duration of Fat Dissolving Injection Results:

The duration of fat dissolving injection results can vary depending on several factors, including:

  1. The amount of fat being treated - the more fat that needs to be eliminated, the more treatments may be necessary, and the results may last longer.
  2. The patient's lifestyle - maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can help prolong the results of fat dissolving injections.
  3. The patient's age - younger patients with better skin elasticity may experience longer-lasting results compared to older patients.
  4. Hormonal changes - hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause can affect the body's fat distribution and potentially impact the results of fat dissolving injection.

How Much Do Fat Dissolving Injections Cost in Dubai? 

Fat Dissolving Injections Dubai Price starts around 300AED to 600AED, however the incurring cost of this treatment various from person to person. Most importantly, there are a number of factors that greatly the price such location, expertise of practitioner, quality of injections and number of shots required to get the desired result. Therefore, it,s better of a quick consultation with an expertise doctor in order to get proper guidelines related to the treatment and price. An good advantage of consultation  before the treatment is that, the doctor thoroughly assess your condition and will apprise you of suitability  of treatment for you.